What to Expect

We want you to feel as comfortable as possible when you arrive at the office. Below you will find pictures of the office and what you can expect on your first visit to the office.

What to Expect on Your First Visit

The first visit typically lasts approximately 30 minutes. Once you arrive at the office, you will be greeted by one of our staff members. They will provide you with some new patient paperwork to have you fill out. After that has been completed, a member of our staff will escort you into a private room to begin your consultation which includes:

  • An in-depth detailed history
  • A thorough examination including orthopedic tests
  • Spinal analysis
  • Posture analysis
  • Movement assessment
  • Neurological integrity exam (manual muscle testing, deep tendon reflexes, dermatomes, pathological reflexes)
  • Digital X-ray (if needed)

Dr. Mathews will need some time to analize the results and will schedule a “Report of Findings” visit explaining the results of your evaluation. This will include a customized care plan specifically for you to get you back to living your best life. Ready to get started? Schedule your first visit today!!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Chiropractic Care Safe?

Chiropractic care has been shown to be one of the safest forms of noninvasive, nondrug healthcare. At Valhalla Chiropractic, we use the safest, most effective techniques to help our patients through the healing process. Through research based conservative treatment we work to restore function and mobility of the musculoskeletal system.

Is Chiropractic Care Painful?

Chiropractic care is typically very relieving for most patients. Many patients feel immediate relief after their first visit. Patients can experience mild soreness, stiffness or achiness after treatment and we always recommend icing if any of these adverse effects should happen.

How Long Is Each Chiropractic Visit?

The initial visit into the office will take approximately 30-45 minutes. During that visit we will gather a detailed history, perform a thorough examination, and take digital X-rays (if needed). Once we have created your customized treatment plan, the follow-up visits will then be about 10-15 minutes.

Do I Have To Go To A Chiropractor Forever?

There is a myth that once you start going to a chiropractor that you will have to continue going for the rest of your life. This is simply not true. At Valhalla Chiropractic we create customized car plans for our patients with a start date and an end date. If you choose to benefit from Wellness Care after your issue is resolved, that will up to you and the doctor will provide you with his best recommendation.

Can I Go To A Chiropractor If I'm Pregnant?

Absolutely! Many women experience pain during their pregnancies and chiropractic can be a safe and effective way to treat those issues. Valhalla Chiropractic utilizes some of the safest, most effective techniques to help our patients find relief from their symptoms.

Schedule Today

See what chiropractic can do for you


134 West Pepper Place, Mesa, AZ 85201


(602) 469-5185




M: 8:30-6:00

T: 8:30-6:00

W: 8:30-12:30

Th: 8:30-6:00

F: 1:00-3:00

Sat & Sun: Closed